How does marketing automation save abandoned shopping carts?

Decrease in the rate of abandoned shopping carts
Increase in conversion rate
Increase in average order value

The challenge

A large online hardware store is doing well, but there is a growing trend of abandoned shopping carts. It can affect up to 70% of transactions.


The store has implemented advanced marketing automation tools. Process steps:

  1. Data analysis. Customer segmentation.
    Used iPresso's analytical tools (including contact activity monitoring) to identify reasons for shopping cart abandonment.
    Used iPresso's extensive segmentation options to segment customers based on purchase history and site behavior.
  2. Personalization of emails.
    A series of automated, personalized emails to remind customers of an abandoned shopping cart.
    The first email is sent 30 minutes after the shopping cart is abandoned.
    The second email is sent by the system after 24 hours - it also includes additional product information and a prompt to contact customer service.
    The third email after 48 hours with an offer of a 10% discount on abandoned products.
  3. Remarketing.
    The store's marketers sent segments of contacts from iPresso to Google Ads.
    In this case, these are users monitored by the system who visit specific pages, but do not buy.
    This is a ready-made, proven list for running remarketing and personalizing ads based on analyzed preferences.


The shopping cart abandonment rate dropped from 70% to 55% in three months.
The conversion rate increased from 1.8% to 3.2%, which translated into an additional £400,000 in monthly revenue.
Personalized emails and remarketing ads improved customer engagement and increased customer loyalty.
With discounts offered and better personalization, the average order value increased by 12% - from PLN 500 to PLN 560.

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