Detailed Specification

iPresso is full of interesting and useful functions. Below we present the ones that our clients use most often. If you are looking for more detailed information on the possibilities of iPresso - no problem, you can find them here:

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Contacts management

Intuitive and innovative contact manager

The three-part view allows you to see different information about a contact at the same time. This gives the user a quick access to the most important data and a holistic view.

Contact monitoring

Monitor contacts who visited connected websites and activities within integrated applications.

Monitoring of anonymous contacts

Monitor contacts who are not yet in the database.


The contact history is stored as a timeline. It shows all actions which contacts have taken from the time they started being monitored to the present.

Integration with CRM systems

Integrate iPresso with popular CRM systems (e.g. PrestaShop, Survicate, Shopify, SMS). Once it's done, the contact data will be automatically exchanged between systems.

Using the built-in CRM functions in iPresso

Build CRM functionalities on the basis of iPresso, which is an open system and gives you great opportunities to add your own attributes describing contacts.

Adding contacts automatically from forms

Each form created in iPresso automatically saves data in the system, creates new contacts and updates them.

Adding manually

You can always manually add contacts and update them.

Relationships between contacts

A unique feature of iPresso is linking contacts into relationships. E.g. parents - children, employee - company, car - owner - service - dealer, etc.
This feature gives astonishing possibilities in designing customer paths (Customer Journey), adjusting communication, offers and increasing sales.

Data import

Import data from files using the import wizard.

Data management API

Import data automatically via the iPresso API.

Unrestricted fields/attributes

Add freely defined contact fields.

Any contact types

Create different types of contacts having different fields (attributes) e.g. company, person, customer, employee, partner, device, institution etc.

Categories and subcategories

Create any number of categories and subcategories, along with individual color coding for easier recognition of contacts in the system.

Individual correspondence

System's integration with user's email accounts allows you to conduct email correspondence with your contacts via iPresso and to plot it on a timeline.


Custom contact tagging.

Individual correspondence

The integration with the users' mailings makes it possible to conduct correspondence with individual contacts from within iPresso and save it to the contact history timeline.


Contact lookup by stored data and various attributes.

Mass actions

Mass update actions on selected/searched contact segments e.g. category changes, tagging.

360-degree view

Comprehensive 360-degree view of a selected contact with information about attributes, activity and action history, scoring, loyalty points and much more within a single, intuitive screen.

Contact data integration

Integration of contact data from multiple locations including CRM systems and others.

Behavioral scoring

Define behavioral scoring. Awarded points for particular contact behaviors, e.g. entering the monitored website, time spent, clicking a link, logging into a store, etc. Create different variants of point assessment depending on e.g. the Marketing Automation scenario.

Demographic scoring

Define demographic scoring. Give points for particular characteristics, e.g. city, position, status, category, etc. Creating different variants. Use one (same) scoring e.g. for a set of features.

Aggregate scoring

The sum of behavioral and demographic scoring.

Multiple scoring plans

Run multiple scoring plans simultaneously.

Loyalty points

Award loyalty points e.g. for specific contact activities. Points can be accrued for multiple loyalty programs that can be run simultaneously for different groups of contacts.

Creating and running Marketing Automation scenarios

Visual Drag&Drop editor

Multi-level, multi-channel scenarios with multiple branches, endings, and conditions created without code or complex forms. Marketers can create unique campaigns and Customer Journey scenarios on their own. Just design, set up, and run.


Tools for sending e-mails, text messages, notifications, categorizing, tagging, and much more gathered in one place in a drag & drop toolbox.


Logical conditions that separate customer paths based on their behavior and characteristics. For example, you can shape communication depending on the link clicked in an e-mail. In iPresso, there is a rich collection of different conditions in the drag&drop toolbox, which can also be configured as needed (Enterprise edition).

Real-time scenarios monitoring

Preview the progress of a scenario in real-time. You can see how many contacts are at each stage, which allows you to react quickly to occurring changes.

Custom templates

Create your own Marketing Automation scenario templates for multiple use, across different communication channels.

Templates library

A library of templates ready to configure and use.


Work on scenarios can be divided, you don't have to design everything at once. Just write down a draft algorithm that you or someone else will refine later.


You won't lose the progress of your work if you suddenly run out of internet or close your browser by accident. The autosave feature is there to systematically save your draft for you.


Segementation editor

Select segments of the contact database based on logical conditions (and/or), sets, and subsets. Technically all contact information in the system is used for segment selection. Tag segments with tags and categories as well as saved segmentation criteria for use in various activities in the system. The basic segmentation editor is intuitive to use and has a dynamic form.


Tag contacts in segments and use the tags as criteria in subsequent segments.

Categories and subcategories

Create your own categories and subcategories for selected segments. Categories can cross contacts between each other.

Segmentation based on behaviors, attributes, custom activities and actions

For segmentation, you can take into consideration the entire set of available in the system and self-defined characteristics, the activity of the contacts, your own and the system's actions on the contacts.

Communication Channels


Send personalized transactional and marketing e-mails.


Send SMS text messages with the possibility of personalizing the content and other elements accordingly to the campaign objectives.

Voice messages

Send voice recordings as messages to specified telephone numbers. Uploaded messages as .wav sound files or a text read out by a speech synthesizer.

Dynamic content on the website

Generate dynamic content (on the fly) based on website user behavior, anonymous and recognized contacts from the database.

Mobile applications

Once the application is integrated via iPresso API, it becomes possible to call actions defined in the application and display push notifications.

Internet of Things

Create contacts that are in fact devices and communicate with devices with BLE (Bluethooth 4.0). Integration via iPresso API. Trigger actions in several communication channels driven by a specific activity with a device.

Email campaigns

Drag&Drop editor

Intuitive Drag&Drop editor with ready-to-insert elements (e.g. text columns, image boxes, buttons, etc.) that you can configure quickly and easily. E-mails prepared in this editor are responsive and ready to be sent with security standards.

WYSIWYG editor

A popular editor for creating content. It resembles a word processor where you can create e-mails just like in an e-mail software. It is enriched with features unique to iPresso including content personalization.

HTML editor

For more advanced users who create e-mails in HTML, there is an intuitive code editor with automatic "live" effects preview, tag coloring, and an automatic syntax validator.

Importing projects from ZIP packages

Advanced users who create e-mails in external tools and graphics packages can drag and drop the file into iPresso and the system will convert it into a ready-to-use e-mail accordingly.

Template library

iPresso Studio comes with a library of pre-made templates that you can use to prepare your own e-mails.

Custom templates

Prepare custom e-mail templates. Especially useful if you work in teams, have your own standards or you need to speed up the creation of further e-mails based on the best templates.

Content personalization

The subject line and the body of the e-mail may contain elements of personalization. It can be for example a name, but also a whole block of content in the form of descriptions, names or various attributes.

Dedicated IP address

A dedicated mailing address means a better reputation for mail servers, higher deliverability and control.


Comprehensive reporting including: deliveries, opens, clicks, hours opened, conversion percentage, unit overview, aggregate conversion, aggregate reports from multiple mailings.

Automatic subscribing and unsubscribing

Handling subscribing with consents (e.g. marketing) and unsubscribing from specific communication consents.

Customized unsubscribe pages

Create custom pages through which users can withdraw consent regarding receiving messages. HTML editor is available as well as an option to upload attachments with CSS styles and JavaScript functions. Ability to split the unsubscribe process into 2 stages: verification and confirmation.

Multi-scenario A/B/X tests

Multidimensional A/B/X testing with examination of topics, senders, content, clicks and conversions to a specific action, among others.

Responsive design

E-mails prepared in Drag&Drop editor and from templates are responsive, ensure accessibility and readability on mobile devices.

E-mail preview

Automatic preview of created content in several most popular resolutions for desktop, tablet and smartphone devices.

Communication frequency limitation

Setting communication limits for selected groups of contacts - potential e-mail recipients e.g. from campaigns. You can define the maximum allowed number of messages to selected recipients.

Hard bounces

E-mail verification mechanism in the database. Flagging contacts with invalid addresses. Excluding incorrect addresses from subsequent mailings after re-verification.


High deliverability of mailings thanks to advanced infrastructure and selection of leading, reputable partners. Possibility of expert support analyzing the level of e-mail delivery and recommendations for improving deliverability.

Advanced targeting

Demographic and behavioral targeting based on contact attributes. Ability to select specific contact segments based on multiple criteria and logical conditions.


Up to 150,000 personalized emails per hour in a single campaign. The ability to run dozens of campaigns on different groups from the contact database simultaneously. Handling of multi-million base mailings.

E-mails for Marketing Automation scenarios

Create pre-made email templates for use in Marketing Automation scenarios. They can be prepared in advance, before the creation of the scenario and during its design.


WhatsApp - the way it works

The operation of this channel in iPresso is not based on the classic chatbot, which responds to the fact that the person will write to us first, but similarly to other channels such as email or push the initiator of communication is iPresso.

What makes WhatsApp different from other communication channels?

The difference between traditional communication channels and the WhatsApp channel is that it allows you to create a conversation with a contact. This means that the campaign does not end after the message is sent, but responds to the contact's responses according to the conversation planned in the campaign.

Launch WhatsApp integration in iPresso

In order to start WhatsApp integration in iPresso, it is necessary to have a WhatsApp Business Account. iPresso, together with the integration provider (Vonage), supports the customer in the entire process of launching the integration (including obtaining a WhatsApp business account).

High open rate

WhatsApp as a communication channel has a very high open rate, which can be more than 95%, making it extremely effective.

Two-way communication and responsiveness

By allowing the customer to choose different responses, communication becomes interactive and two-way. This means that you can "talk" with your customers and not just deliver one-way marketing messages.


In iPresso, WhatsApp can connect with other communication channels available in the system (email, SMS, web push, mobile push). This means that the recipient directly in the WhatsApp conversation can click an option, such as send offer details via email. This makes it possible to reach the audience in every possible channel.

Additional actions

In addition to the ability to trigger a dispatch in other communication channels, additional actions also allow you to: add a contact to a marketing automation scenario or unsubscribe from a marketing consent.

WhatsApp campaign report

That is, the ability to measure the effectiveness of a campaign conducted in this channel. With the reports, you can check such data as the number of unique contacts to which messages were sent, the number of messages delivered and read, or the number of messages to which a response was received.
The data is presented in the form of a table and expanded charts.

Contacts activities history

In iPresso's contact manager, you can check the activities of contacts related to campaigns sent via WhatsApp. You will find such data as: the ID of the sent campaign, information if the message was read, and even the contact's specific response to the message. You can then use all the information in segmentation or further marketing automation campaigns.

Types of messages

WhatsApp, unlike SMS messaging, provides many more interesting options for presenting content. Among other things, you can use graphics, video and interactive lists, which makes communication more engaging and interesting for the recipient.

WhatsApp studio - creating campaigns

iPresso's solution for creating a WhatsApp campaign. Here you create a conversation tree with recipients and all possible responses. Here you will configure the campaign settings, check the preview of the message (exactly how it will look in the application) and test it.


Full personalization of messages based on contact attributes is available in WhatsApp campaigns. You can use standard attributes such as first name, last name, city or create new attributes by yourself.

Send now or schedule

You can send a WhatsApp campaign as soon as you set it up, or schedule it over time. This applies to campaigns targeting specific audience segments.

WhatsApp campaigns in other iPresso mechanisms

You can use WhatsApp campaigns as one of the communication channels in marketing automation scenarios and abandoned processes.

Real-Time Marketing

Multi-channel communication triggered in real- or near real-time (depending on the communication channel)

Trigger communication on the website in many forms (e.g. top-layer, box, pop-up, etc.), send email, SMS, push notification to mobile app.

Creation editor (e.g. top-layers) in iPresso Studio

A complex creation editor allows building elements such as pop-ups. Possibility to edit the HTML code, appearance settings, size, distance, display time, and test the display on selected pages.

Create custom elements and dynamically customized content on the WWW

Ability to insert and change WWW elements through the use of JavaScript.

Triggering messages in response to behavior on the website (in the form of e.g. pop-ups, top-layers)

Defining custom behavior sequences (e.g. openings of particular subpages), on which an automatic action will be taken.

Trigger messages for anonymous www users

Messages on the site can be displayed based on the behavior of anonymous users not identified in the contact database.

Real-time reaction to the behavior of monitored contacts based on their attributes

Use of attributes (e.g., gender, category, tags, location, etc.) in message display criteria on which to condition the triggered message.

Real-time reaction to the behaviors of monitored contacts based on their attributes

Ability to make use of attributes (such as sex, category, tags, address) to specify the citeria on which the displayed message will depend.

Integration of RTM activities with KPI reports

Create KPIs based on data collected from contact activity in response to RTM communications.

Feed Manager

Creating feeds from different sources

Create your own feeds directly in iPresso, download data from files (CSV, XML) and automatically import from resources, external servers, etc.

Automatic data capture and updating

Settings to automatically refresh feeds from external sources.

Creating multiple sets from a single feed

Create many different data sets from a single feed for different applications or recipient groups.

Filtering and sorting

Filter the feed data in data sets to appropriately select elements for, for example, product recommendations.

Use in communication channels

Use in content personalization in emails, SMS, web pushes.


Precise communication with customers in your area

For example, you can send an SMS for contacts who live near your store. Information about the promotion will immediately reach people who can immediately take advantage of it.

Personalized marketing campaigns

Create offers perfectly tailored to your customers' needs.
Assigning a contact to a specific selling point makes communication more personal and effective.

Automation of communication

Automatic inclusion of contact information in messages. Information about the nearest outlet, its opening hours or available facilities will appear automatically, increasing convenience and customer satisfaction.

Ideal target group

Mark the area you are interested in on the map. This will determine exactly who your messages will go to. You eliminate accidental contacts and increase the effectiveness of your campaign.

iPresso Satellite

Parameter retrieval from external sources

Select data sources on the basis of which the system is to react. The sources are available as ready-made integrations in iPresso. Possibility to integrate them and add your own parameters.

Adding internal parameters

Add parameters based on calculations on data from the system.

Integrated data sources for parameters

Available, accessible data sources (e.g., weather forecasts).

Triggering Marketing Automation scenarios

Automatically run Marketing Automation scenarios based on meeting criteria: parameters from external and internal sources.

Passing custom parameters and data sources

Indicating parameters on the basis of recalculation of data collected in the system, e.g. about the count of a given segment.

Setting criteria in combination with parameters

Trigger scenarios based on additional criteria except the conditional parameters.

Google Ads

Ad personalization

Personalization of target groups for Google Ads campaigns based on user activity and behavior data collected by iPresso.

Transmission of prepared segments

Sending segments created based on user data from iPresso to the Google Ads panel.

Effective ads

Reaching specific, interest-defined users increases the effectiveness of ad campaigns and avoids burning through budgets in Google Ads.

Easy integration

Integration of the iPresso platform with Google Ads panel is simple and fast - just a few clicks.

Integration with Magento

Improve customer retention

Keep customers loyal by providing them with valuable content and offers.

Recovering abandoned shopping carts

Use automated notifications and campaigns to effectively encourage customers to return to your store.

Multiple store management

With the integration, you can focus all your data in one place, using marketing automation to personalize communication with each store's customers.

Unique reaction scenarios

Define your own rules for personalizing messages to customers and anonymous users, depending on the conditions you choose.


Different types of scoring

In iPresso, you can assign scoring to contacts from the database on a demographic basis (e.g., age, gender, location) and a behavioral basis, assigning a defined number of points for specific behaviors, such as purchasing a product or downloading a PDF from the site.

Freedom of configuration

In iPresso, you can implement your own individually configured scoring plans and rules, such as global scoring after each email opening or for passing the next user stage in the Customer Journey.


Ready-to-use templates

iPresso has ready-made pop-up templates with the most popular themes: newsletter sign-up, webinar sign-up, e-book download. Each creation has plenty of customization options.

Personalized pop-ups

With the user data collected by iPresso, personalized communications can be created so that a specific user sees content tailored to their interests on a pop-up.

Advantages of pop ups

Well-constructed pop-ups can acquire new, valuable leads, increase sales through cross- and up-sell processes, and rescue abandoned e-commerce shopping carts.

Multiple configuration options

The ability to choose where and when the pop-up will show up (e.g., after scrolling % of the page, when trying to close the browser window) and the ability to set the appropriate capping so that the pop-up does not show up to the customer too often.

Reporting and analytics

Configurable demographic dashboards

Self-configurable dashboards with data based on features.

Configurable funnel reports

Create individual funnels based on segments presented graphically with a history of changes on a chart.

Configurable KPI dashboards

With iPresso you can create your unique KPIs consisting of data collected in iPresso, which can be settled in relevant periods. iPresso automatically generates reports using graphical elements to make the overview (based on KPIs) clear and fast. You can create multiple reports and grant access to selected users.

Customized management dashboards

Create customized management dashboards configured for a specific company/brand.

Integration with data from Google Analytics

Download data from an integrated GA account into iPresso. This allows you to use GA data in reports configured in iPresso to create your own unique KPIs.

Data export

Data from reports can be exported in many formats including CSV/excel, PDF, PNG.

RFM reports

Contact classification

Classification of customers according to the amounts spent on purchases and the frequency of purchases.

Shipping of ready-made segments

From each customer group in the RFM report, you can create a segment and use it for personalized communication, e.g. with users who have not bought anything for a long time.

Targeted campaigns

With monetary value analysis, you can focus on your highest-value customers, thereby increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns and earning more.

Lower customer acquisition costs

You can focus on attracting new customers, especially those who have the potential to become loyal. You don't have to spread yourself into segments with less potential.

eCommerce dashboard

eCommerce integration

Functionality available to customers using eCommerce integration. Based on the purchases of your contacts, it allows you to calculate and present changes over time in various eCommerce-related measures on a daily basis.

Current data

All reported metrics are recalculated daily as long as the functionality is running and any eCommerce integration is enabled in the customer account.

Reported measures

CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) - total customer value (average capital that one customer brings).
AOV (Average Order Value) - average order value.
RPR (Repeated Purchase Rate) - repeat purchase rate (percentage of customers who made at least two purchases within one year).
ACL (Average Customer Lifetime) - the average number of days during which a contact remains an active customer.

Forms editor

Drag&Drop editor

Create forms using an easy-to-use Drag&Drop editor.

Contact identification

Recognizing monitored contacts who have already completed the form.

Thank you page

Set custom, action-adjusted information to be displayed when the form is completed and reloaded.

Progressive forms

Display fields that have not yet been filled in and complete the contact's information or skip fields where the contact has already completed content.

Integration with websites

All you have to do is paste a piece of code in the place where the form should show up and it's done. Everything else is on iPresso side.

Automation of adding contacts

Filling in the form created in iPresso by the website user automatically adds a new contact to the database or updates an existing one.

Create custom fields

You can create descriptive fields, checkboxes, and other ready-to-use, as well as self-defined fields in forms.

Visual Drag&Drop Editor

Decide on the number, order and content of each field. You can modify the appearance of the form to fit visually with your site. You'll also design the page that shows up when the form is filled out. This is a no-code solution - you don't need to have specialized knowledge of HTML code.


In addition to setting fields and colors, you can personalize your form however you want: enable the ability to add files and upload your own graphics, enter custom validations and messages.

Immediate communication

You no longer need to create separate Marketing Automation scenarios - now you can schedule automatic communication with fillers via SMS and email in the form settings themselves.

Responsiveness and security

More and more users are accessing our websites from mobile devices - the new forms are always responsive and effectively protect against spam with Google reCaptcha.

Adding custom CSS styles

Add your own style reflected in: appearance of fields, labels, descriptions, distances and the whole layout to the forms.

Campaign planner

Effective campaign organization

A tool that allows you to effectively organize and plan marketing activities conducted through multiple communication channels. Comprehensive management of marketing campaigns, while ensuring consistency of message and efficiency of activities. All these channels can be effectively coordinated and integrated within a single platform, allowing consistent and effective marketing activities.


Advanced message personalization features to better tailor communications to the needs and preferences of different segments of the target audience. By collecting and analyzing customer data, users can create more personalized campaigns that generate higher engagement and conversion rates.


Ability to continuously monitor and analyze the results of marketing activities. Thanks to built-in analytical tools, users can track the effectiveness of individual campaigns, identify trends and react quickly to changes in the market. This allows for continuous optimization of activities and maximization of marketing ROI.

Data Collector

Indication of data  to be downloaded

Possibility to choose the following events: after clicking on the selected element, while changing the value of a form field, while saving the form, after a specified time from page load.

Determining whose data to collect

Option to retrieve data for all contacts, only anonymous contacts, or only monitored contacts.

No IT involvement or interference with site code

Ability to collect data without IT involvement. All you need is a monitoring code posted on the site.

Processing data "on the fly" - indicating actions to be performed

Select the action to be triggered, e.g., save an activity, save an action, update attributes, save a contact, save data to browser memory, collect a web push token.

GPDR Manager

Add and edit multiple consents for different purposes

Manage multiple consents for different purposes. Support for multiple languages.

GDPR compliance

Processes to ensure that procedures required by the regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation are implemented.

Sign-out statistics

Register and view enrollment and sign-out statistics for each consent.

History of consent changes

Reviewing who, when, and how modified the content of consent (e.g., the content of the personal data processing clause on the contact form).

Custom profile pages

Create end-user pages with shared information about the scope of data processing with edit and delete capabilities.

Customized sign-out pages

Create custom pages through which users can withdraw consent to receive messages. HTML editor is available as well as option to upload attachments with CSS styles and JavaScript functions. Ability to split the sign-out process into 2 stages: verification and confirmation.

Automated sign-in and sign-out process

The sign-out process is recorded in the context of each individual contact in the database with information about when consent was marked and its content.

Consent events recorded in each contact's history in the database

Consent information located on the contact timeline.

Integration with iPresso forms

Automatically add mechanisms of consent recording to the forms prepared with iPresso.

Loyalty programs

Loyalty points

In iPresso, you can run loyalty programs that award points.

Multiple programs

Create and run multiple loyalty programs simultaneously.

Points for activities and characteristics

Awarding points for any defined contact activity, also integrated with other systems and applications (e.g. cash register).

Couponing module

Comprehensive couponing module for loyalty program management with unique code generation, web store integration, printout generation, end customer program page, template management and many other features to enrich the loyalty program and increase its effectiveness.

Landing Pages

WYSWIG editor

A visual editor for creating pages.

Editing HTML code

Ability to interfere with existing code, as well as paste your own into an existing LP (landing page) project using a simple editor.

Automatic encoding

Automatic addition of tracking codes and link tracking.

Connecting to your own domains

Publishing pages under their own URLs.

Custom CSS files

Adding custom style sheets.

Adding pre-made forms

Adding forms prepared in iPresso.

Online surveys

Web survey editor

Intuitive survey wizard without the need to create code.

Anonymous surveys

Ability to conduct surveys without registration or identification.

Reporting of results

Reporting results of responses to individual questions. For non-anonymous surveys, review the responses of individual respondents.

Several field types for questions and answers

A selection of possible fields e.g. single choice, multiple choice, open-ended questions.

Setting your own appearance

You can set your own headlines (including graphics) and descriptions to introduce surveys.

Conduct multiple surveys/surveys simultaneously on different target groups

You can launch and run multiple surveys at the same time.

Recommendation frames

Integration and data automation

iPresso is a Customer Data Platform (CDP). It collects customer data in the form of attributes and activities. This information can be used for personalized, multi-channel and automated communications.

Editable templates for recommendation frames

A simple, intuitive wizard for recommendation frames allows you to customize them to your preferences, such as in line with your company's CI.

Cooperation with Feed Manager

Recommendation frames allow you to make even better use of Feed Manager's potential. You gain a broader context of the presented products, tailored to what the viewer wants to see at the moment.

Benefits of recommendation frames

Increase conversions and sales. Wider presentation of the offer of, for example, an online store. Reacting in real time to customer activity. Recovering abandoned shopping carts.

Theme creator

Tailoring to your audience

The ability to experiment with the look of creatives and customize them for different audiences. The wizard also speeds up the sending of campaigns.

Better campaign statistics

The theme builder allows you to create unique email and pop-up creations that have a better chance of catching the attention of your audience. The wizard is a great complement to other iPresso features, such as automatic scripts or recommendations via Feed Manager.

Push notifications

Reaching customers in real time

Design and trigger notifications based on user behavior. It's a variety and complement to Customer Journey and a way to communicate more effectively.

Web Push

Sending notifications to a defined target group of customers visiting the website.

Mobile Push

Sending notifications to a defined target group of customers using the mobile application.

On-site Push

Design content in the form of pop-ups, then trigger them in real time in response to ongoing customer activity. The notification activates in response to specific user behavior. With On-site Push you can encourage newsletter sign-ups, present an upsell, and redirect to similar content.

NPS Surveys


Users can use default domain, as well as adding their own (depending on the purpose) - where recipients will see the survey. Surveys for different campaigns may have different domains.


When creating NPS surveys the user can assign specific tags to them. These tags can be used to mark products, services, refer to specific attributes of segmented groups of recipients or describe specific assumptions of a survey.

API keys

Once an NPS survey is completed, the API key used in its creation can be used again.

Additional survey questions

Additional descriptive questions can be added to the standard survey questions (not necessary at the time of survey creation), that will be displayed once the respondent chooses specific value between 0 - 10.

Data collecting

The answers provided are kept in individual recipient profiles in the contact database. Responses with a specific value between 0 - 10 can serve as an additional element once creating new, more accurate segments of contacts.


Reports are displayed as convenient graphs in the user panel (according to specified time intervals), and can also be exported to a .csv file.

Buzz monitoring

Internet monitoring

Monitoring the Internet for key phrases.

Automatic screen captures

Automatic screen captures of web pages where the monitored keyword phrase appeared.

Marking the overtone of a statement

Automatically mark the overtone of a statement (positive, negative, neutral) based on previous user markings.



All connections to the iPresso system are encrypted using the TLS protocol.


Secure payment processing via Stripe operator.


Ability to trigger authentication with an additional component.

User activity log

Logging of user activity in the dashboard and API.

Modeling roles of access

System access management with setting up access groups with detailed permissions to particular functionalities and modules.

Access management

System access management with creation of access groups and detailed permissions to specific functions and modules.

Conformity to ISO standards

Implemented, certified quality management and information security standards 27001:2013 and 9001:2015.


The quality and stability of the services provided for iPresso Enterprise are guaranteed.

Data center

iPresso operates in two independent geographic Tier-3 data centers.

Cyclic security audits

Outsourced security testing.

Dedicated IP addresses

Dedicated IP addresses for messaging.

E-mail security

SPF, DKIM, DMARC mechanisms.

For developers

API Documentation

The documentation along with code examples in the form of a useful manual on the website.

iPresso applications

iPresso applications and extensions that enhance capabilities with functionality tailored to selected industries or user needs.

Custom extensions

Create custom extensions to iPresso based on the API.

Individual integrations

Custom integrations with other systems and applications.

Native integrations

Integrations ready to use with popular systems and applications. They only require authorization in iPresso.


Standard online support

Online support - e-mail and livechat by our consultants at your disposal. We support users in the process of boarding in the system and its basic use, navigating in its modules.


Help Center includes video tutorials, user manuals, FAQs, presentations.

Instructional Videos

Instructional videos available online at the Help Center as well as on our YouTube channel. For Enterprise customers in case of individual conditions we prepare specific videos for a particular company and its users.


Webinars taking place periodically and individually for selected customers on individual terms within iPresso Enterprise.

Additional support

Individual support by the iPresso team (for the Enterprise customers), which is agreed individually and includes higher support parameters such as shorter response times, custom support scope, dedicated consultants.

iPresso Services

Services for iPresso Enterprise customers related to preparing page layouts, custom email templates, integrations, custom reports, etc.

Development support

Developer support for iPresso Enterprise customers in e.g. individual advanced integrations, customization of other applications to iPresso, creation of individual modules, add-ons and applications.

Individual workshops and iPresso Academy webinars

On-line trainings and workshops of iPresso Academy conducted individually for closed groups, e.g. for employees of a specific company.

iPresso Academy workshops at customer site

Trainings and workshops conducted at the Customer's location. The scope of workshops often includes the analysis of Customer's specific business cases.


Eyetracking tests of creations and templates of websites, e-mails, and other visual content used in actions carried out with iPresso. The aim of the research is to achieve maximum effectiveness and comfort of the message for the recipients.