ipresso's features

RFM Reports

Effective data analysis is the key to success.
RFM reports will allow you to understand and effectively manage customer relationships.

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What are RFM reports?

RFM stands for Recency, Frequency, Monetary. The report brings together the three most important elements of customer data analysis.


Refers to the last transaction made by the customer. People who make purchases in the near future are more likely to make repeat transactions. Thanks to this, you will identify active and interested customers in your offer.


Measures how often a customer buys. People with high purchasing frequency generate more revenue. Frequency analysis will allow you to identify loyal customers who regularly use your offer.


Assesses how much money a customer spent on your products. People with higher monetary value are crucial to revenue growth. Monetary value analysis will identify the most profitable customers for the company.

How to use RFM reports?


Unlike other RFM reports, this iPresso functionality will allow you not only to analyze data, but also immediately segment individual customer groups. Create Marketing Automation scenarios for these segments and reach them with appropriate communication.


Based on data from Recency analysis, you can tailor your offer to the most active customers and stimulate people who have not bought anything for a long time to take action.

Loyalty programs

Frequency analysis will allow you to identify regular customers who can be the basis for creating an effective loyalty program.

Targeted campaigns

Thanks to monetary value analysis, you can focus on the highest-value customers, thereby increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns and earning more.

Lower customer acquisition costs

You can focus on attracting new customers, especially those who have the potential to become loyal. You don't have to spread yourself into segments with less potential.

Monitoring effectiveness

RFM reports allow you to track the effectiveness of marketing activities and adjust your communication strategy in real time.

How do RFM reports work in iPresso?

Customers purchasing from your company are classified by the system.
Contact classification is set by default. You can change the names and number of customer sets at any time.
The report refreshes automatically once a day, at night - to provide you with the most up-to-date data in the morning.
You can create a segment of customers from a given group that you can use in Marketing Automation scenarios, e.g. by tempting customers who haven't bought anything for a long time with discounts.

In which industries will RFM reports be useful?


Online stores can use RFM reports to personalize shopping experiences, understand customer shopping habits, and optimize marketing activities.


RFM reports help understand customer behavior and adjust marketing strategies. They are useful for identifying the highest value customer groups and personalizing communications with them. By analyzing RFM factors, you can focus your efforts on customers who are more likely to make frequent purchases, generate more revenue, or have recently used travel services.


Financial industry companies can use RFM reports to analyze customer behavior, identify potential customers for new products, and monitor transaction activity.

Of course, RFM reports in iPresso are a flexible tool that can be adapted to various industries and businesses to increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, customer management and generating more revenue.

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