iPresso Satellite

ipresso's features

Innovation in Marketing Automation introduced by iPresso®. It allows you to automatically trigger advanced, personalized scenarios as a result of changes in the environment, e.g. weather parameters.

The first Marketing Automation that reacts to external conditions

Accurate Real Time Marketing that reacts not only to the behavior of customers and their declared needs at a given moment but also takes into account the context - environmental conditions.iPresso automatically observes the indicated parameters to start personalized communication, information processing, and customer service scenarios.

Responding to weather conditions

It’s just an example, but it shows the possibilities offered by iPresso Satellite. You no longer have to react quickly to weather changes and set up a campaign in a hurry. iPresso will be prepared for any situation. It will run a different scenario for the appropriate segments when it is raining, another one when it is hot, and a different plan when it is cold and snowing.

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