Adding multiple consents for different purposes. Content of consent in multiple languages. Dependencies between consents (e.g. unsubscribing from one consent automatically unsubscribing from the other)Handling consents to use historical data. Differentiating consents for communication from others. Handling of consents by external systems thanks to the possibility of integrating calls
Support for content in any language. Use on multilingual websites and applications. Possibility to use language-specific unsubscribe, sign-up, thank-you and profile pages
Tools and procedures to meet the requirements of the applicable General Data Protection Regulation. Ready solutions proven and used by many large companies in many industries. Management in many geographic markets, including those outside the EU
Sign-up and unsubscribe statistics for a given consent. Statistics of contacts who have a given consent or have unsubscribed from it. A dashboard of consents with an overview of basic statistical data in the form of charts
Registration and archiving of changes to the content and configuration of each consent in the system. Viewing each version of the amended consent
Creating multiple profile pages for contacts - depending on the language version, purpose, scope of shared data, options available for contacts. Editing pages in the editor with the possibility of editing HTML and loading a ZIP file. Automatic secure hosting of websites with generating unique links. Possibility to create subpages with, among others, contact details, acknowledgments, data deletion confirmations
Creating unsubscribe pages for opt-out. Designing an individual graphic design. Automatic hosting and address generation. Support for single- or double opt-out processes. Creating multiple variants of the unsubscribe page from individual consents
Creating forms for signing up for consent Integration of forms via API, sending information about subscriptions. Collecting information about consent with the use of iPresso Data Collector without the need to interfere with the website code. Automatic adding of unsubscribe links to e-mails (e.g. in the footer)
Every interaction of a contact with consent is recorded in its timeline (history). Support for the process of data deletion and anonymization – in which case the data can be irretrievably deleted without the possibility of restoring it.