The bank noticed that customers were reluctant to use stationary outlets. What's more, some chose a stationary outlet far from their location. Customers often called the hotline and reported dissatisfaction through the customer service desk, but did not provide specific information. The bank decided to conduct a survey and see what things needed to be improved at individual outlets.
- Segmentation of contacts
Customers were divided into groups. The bank prepared NPS surveys only for those who made an appointment at a bank branch in the last month.
- Sending NPS surveys to customers
NPS surveys were automatically sent to customers. The bank set up additional questions to find out what things customers pay most attention to.
- Analysis of results
Thanks to iPresso, the bank generated a report and saw what needed to be improved at each outlet as soon as possible. The bank learned that the main problem was the lack of additional facilities at some of the outlets. Some stationary points did not have an elevator, and the large number of stairs effectively discouraged customers and they chose another branch or abandoned the visit altogether. Moreover, a lot of people chose an outpost in the center of the city, at which there were several ATMs.
- Personalized communication using GeoPoints
The bank improved its stationary outlets for convenience for customers, especially the elderly. It opened two new branches located in the city center. In addition, it identified a list of GeoPoints (i.e. its branches) that had special accommodations for the disabled. In personalized messages, the bank informed recipients where the nearest (relative to their location) branches were located.
- The bank has improved convenience at 40 of its outlets. In addition, it introduced special signage for people with disabilities.
- The appearance of additional facilities in more outlets made customers more willing to use them. Satisfaction increased by 15%.
- Due to the adaptation of branches to the elderly and disabled, the bank recorded 28% fewer complaints.
- The customer service office no longer received as many calls as it used to. After the survey, the bank created special forms through which customers reported inconveniences. The working time required for customer service dropped by 22%.