Automatic update notifications

Increase in customer satisfaction
Reduction in customer service work time
Increase in engagement


The bank wanted to carry out a significant update of the website and application. Due to a major redesign and improvement of some features, the update was divided into several stages. For this reason, the bank wanted to keep customers informed of upcoming changes. It was looking for tools that would automatically send notifications about updates. In addition, it wanted to get user feedback on the changes made.


  1. Preparing messages about updates
    Emails and text messages were sent to customers informing them of upcoming updates. The messages had links to an article on the site listing the changes and the date of implementation. 
  1. Creating pop-ups with information about the new design
    The bank prepared pop-ups about the updates that appeared when the site was accessed. 
  1. Conducting surveys and sending out NPS
    After the update was completed, customers received surveys in which they could express their feelings about the new look and the improved features.


  • Customer satisfaction increased by 21%. With gradual changes and accurate information, users had more confidence in the company.
  • Customer engagement increased by 19%. Recipients were curious to click on links provided in messages and review the list of changes.
  • Customer service did not receive many questions about the updates. Automatic notifications reduced customer service time by 14%.
  • Customers were eager to share their thoughts on the update. More than 90% of customers were positive about the new design. The bank learned that on mobile devices one service category does not always display correctly, so it fixed this minor glitch.

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