Automated reminder marketing campaigns

Increase in return rate
Increase in frequency of purchases
Increase in average order value


An FMCG company has noticed that many customers make one-time purchases and do not return again.

With fast-moving products - such as food and hygiene products - regular purchases are key to increasing revenue and customer loyalty.

Therefore, the company decided to implement automated reminder marketing campaigns to encourage customers to buy regularly and increase retention.


  1. Purchase cycle analysis.
    Using data collected by iPresso, the company analyzed purchase data to determine typical purchase cycles for various products. This information made it possible to predict when customers were most likely to need their next purchase.
  2. Customer segmentation.
    Segmented customers based on purchase history and product preferences.
    Customers who regularly buy the same products were identified by the marketing automation system as potential recipients of purchase reminders.
  3. Setting up automatic marketing campaigns in iPresso.
    Automatic purchase reminder campaigns were easily set up in iPresso. The campaigns were triggered based on certain purchase cycles and customer behavior.
    For example, if a customer bought a pack of coffee, after 30 days he would get an automatic email and SMS reminder to buy a new pack.
  4. Personalization of marketing communications.
    All reminder messages were personalized based on the customer's previous purchases.
    The marketing automation system included recommendations for products frequently purchased by the customer, as well as special offers and discounts on those products.
    Thanks to iPresso, personalized communication can take place through multiple channels - email, SMS, WhatsApp, push notifications.


Automatic purchase reminders have significantly increased the number of returning customers. The company saw a 35% increase in the return rate

Thanks to regular reminders, customers made more frequent purchases of the same products. The average frequency of purchases per customer increased by 20%.

Personalized recommendations and offers encouraged customers to add more products to their shopping carts, which helped increase the average order value by 15%.

Automatic reminders helped increase customer retention. Customers who received reminders were more likely to make regular purchases, which translated into a 25% increase in retention.

Personalized and well-planned reminders helped increase customer engagement. The higher number of opens and clicks on the messages showed that customers appreciated the relevance and usefulness of the reminders.

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